Friday 24 May 2013

Advanced Revision Questions - Part 1

‘Scout is the narrator however Atticus' role is just as important as he represents the views of Harper Lee'
To what extent do you agree?

How does Harper Lee use the case of Tom Robinson to highlight prejudice in small town society?

Harper Lee uses the character of Boo Radley to teach the children some valuable lessons. How far do you agree with this statement?

Atticus is by far the most important character in the novel.
How far do you agree with this statement?

What do we learn about life in 1930s Maycomb through the female characters in the novel? You should refer to at least two or three characters.

How is Atticus presented as a good father in the novel?

Consider the lessons the children learn in the novel, what impact do these lessons have and why are they important?

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