Friday 17 May 2013

Creative Writing

Childhood Memory

When I was about 3 I didn't really think about what I was doing or what I was about to would end in. I decided to scramble through my mums makeup bag and boom... I found a bright red lipstick right there at the bottom of the bag, inviting me to use it, in whatever way I desire. Intreaged by the outstanding colour, I decided to wiggle the lipstick across my parents brand new cream wardrobe, writing a message that only my brain could understand. I stood back and looked at my 'art' and realised that it all made no sence at all. This got me thinking, I would be in trouble if anybody saw this, and in a cuffuful so instead of getting rid of the lipstick pattern, I decided to hide the evidence (being the lipstick) and hide under my bed surrounded by teddies waiting for my mum to find the message. Being young and a bit spiteful i went and blamed my older sister and it was all a flutter. I felt bad and i had to own up, i got told off and felt as if i was isolated in my own bubble.

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