Friday 24 May 2013

Basic Revision Questions - Part 1

How is Atticus presented as a good father to Scout and Jem?
  • The example Atticus sets for his children
  • His role as a single parent
  • How Atticus treats his children and other people.

Consider the courtroom scene – How is tension created in this scene?
  • Scout’s point of view,
  • The reaction of Tom Robinson and the Ewell’s,
  • How the characters react and interact within the scene.

How does Harper Lee show Atticus as a good parent and citizen?
  • His relationships with others including his children, the lessons he teaches his children and how he supports the community

Explore two events in the novel which you consider to be dramatic
  • What makes them dramatic and how the writer makes them dramatic

What is Boo Radley’s role in the novel? Is he there to be feared? Or to be understood?
  • Who Boo Radley is? 
  • What Boo Radley does? 
  • How he is treated by others and how he treats other?

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